Interviewer instructions
An inventory of agricultural machinery and implements owned by the household on the date of survey. The list of items given in the block includes:
(a) implements used for soil preparation and harvesting, operated manually or by draught animals, viz. sickle, wooden plough, iron plough, harrow (hakher, quntuka) and seed drill;
(b) plant protection equipments operated by hand, engine or tractor, viz. sprayer and duster;
©power driven machines used for soil preparation and harvesting, viz. chaff-cutter, power tiller (hand tractor, and harvest or combine;
(d)power driven processing machinery, viz. thresher, power driven cane crusher and power driven oil crusher;
(e) processing machinery operated manually or by draught animals, viz. other cane crusher and other oil crusher;
(f)modern means of irrigation, viz. sprinklers, electric pump, diesel pump and other pumps;
(g)indigenous water lifting equipments, viz. Persian wheel (rahat), dhenki (donga) and others (like dhekli, charsa etc.);
and (h)transport equipments used for agriculture, viz. tractor trolley and carts for agricultural use.
The last item (item 26) is meant for recording the sum of entries against items 1 to 25. A cross-mark (x) will be given against the items not reported to be owned by the household on the date of survey.