Value |
Category |
Animal destroying crops especially elephants from Kidepo Valley Park |
Animal raiding |
Cattle raiders took cows and goats. |
Cattle raids |
Crop failure |
Crops planted were washed by heavy rains. |
Daughter's escape from home |
Death |
Death of a family member |
Death of a household member |
Death of beloved one. |
Death of the household member |
Death of the husband |
Death of the husband who was the breadwinner for the home |
Destruction of gardens by Elephants |
Elephants |
Elephants destroying crops |
Elephants destroying my garden |
Elephants destroying our crops thats why we had no harvests |
Financial crisis |
Fire out break |
Fire outbreak |
Heavy winds |
Hunger |
Husband was been arrested |
Imprisonment of the household head |
Live stock theft |
Loss of a daughter |
Loss of a loved one |
Loss of a relative. |
Loss of family members |
Loss of her husband |
Loss of his son. |
Loss of loved ones |
Loss of relatives (father and Brother). |
Loss of the breadwinner who was the husband |
Loss of the husband last year in june |
Lost a close relative |
Over flow of the valley |
Overflow of the stream valley |
Paying school fees |
Some crops planted were washed away by heavy rains. |
Some of the crops planted were washed by rain. |
Theft |
Theft of money by unknown person. |
Threat from worrors |
Very strong winds destroying houses. |
Wild Animal(Elephants) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.