Value |
Category |
" Tomatoeplot" |
"Mixed stand of cassava, beans, bananas and tree crops " |
"Mixedstand Groundnuts and Cassava " |
"Yam plot " |
"maize&cassava plot " |
"sweet potato plot " |
"sweet potatoes plot " |
Animal pasture plot |
Banana Coffee Plot |
Banana Coffee plot |
Banana Plot |
Banana and Coffee plot |
Banana and coffee plot |
Banana and coffee plot. |
Banana plot |
Banana plot. |
Banana, maize and cassava plot |
Banana, maize and cassava plot. |
Bananas plot |
Beans Plot |
Beans and maize plot |
Beans plot |
Cabbage plot |
Cassava |
Cassava Banana Plot |
Cassava Plot |
Cassava and soya bean plot |
Cassava and soya plot |
Cassava and soya. |
Cassava banana plot |
Cassava plot |
Cassava plot. |
Coffee &G nuts plot |
Coffee Banana Plot |
Coffee Banana plot |
Coffee Plot |
Coffee plot |
Egg plant plot |
Eggplant |
Elephant Grass Plot |
Elephant grass plot |
Eucalyptus Plot |
Eucalyptus plot |
Fallow plot |
Gnuts plot |
Gnuts&maize plot |
Grazing plot |
Grazing plot |
Grazing plot. |
Greens plot |
Greens plot |
Ground nut plot |
Ground nuts plot. |
Ground nuts, maize and cassava plot |
Groundnut and maize plot |
Groundnut plot |
Groundnut s plot |
Groundnut s plot |
Groundnuts parcel |
Groundnuts plot |
Left fullow |
Maize |
Maize Edith |
Maize Edith Plot |
Maize Groundnuts |
Maize Groundnuts Plot |
Maize Plot |
Maize and Beans plot |
Maize and ground nuts plot |
Maize and groundnut plot |
Maize plot |
Maize, cassava and beans plot |
Maize, groundnut and cassava plot |
Millet plot |
Mixed stand of bananas and tree crops |
Mixed stand of cassava and beans |
Mixed stand of cassava and soya beans |
Mixedstand Beans and Maize |
Mixedstand Beans and Cassava |
Mixedstand Cassava and Soya Beans |
Mixedstand Cassava, Bananas and Tree crops |
Peas Plot |
Potato plot |
Potato plot. |
Purestand Cassava |
Purestand Green peas |
Purestand Maize |
Purestand of cassava |
Purestand of maize |
Rice plot |
Soya Maize Plot |
Sugar cane plot |
Sugarcane Plot |
Sugarcane plot |
Sweet Potatoes Cassava Plot |
Sweet Potatoes Plot |
Sweet potato |
Sweet potato plot |
Sweet potato plot. |
Sweet potatoes &cassava plot |
Sweet potatoes Cassava plot |
Sweet potatoes Plot |
Sweet potatoes plot |
Yam plot |
banana & coffee plot |
banana &coffee plot |
banana and coffee plot |
banana plot |
banana, coffee plot |
bean plot |
beans plot |
beans plot. |
beans, maize and cassava plot |
beans,maize and cassava plot |
cabbage plot |
cabbage plot. |
cassava |
cassava plot |
cassava & maize plot |
cassava &maize plot |
cassava and maize plot |
cassava and maizeplot |
cassava and soya plot. |
cassava plot |
coffee and ground nuts plot |
coffee plot |
coffee plot. |
eggplants &maize plot |
fallow |
fallow plot |
grazing plot |
ground nut, maize and cassava |
ground nuts plot |
groundnut and maize plot |
left fallow plot |
maize & G.nuts plot |
maize and beans plot |
maize and cassava plot |
maize and cassava plot. |
maize and egg plants plot |
maize and gnuts plot |
maize and groundnut plot |
maize groundnut plot |
maize plot |
maize, groundnut and cassava plot |
maize, sim sim, banana and cassava plot |
maize,cassava and beans plot |
maize,gnuts and cassava plot |
maize,simsim,banana and cassava plot |
millet plot |
milliet |
mixed stand of cassava and groundnuts |
peas plot |
potato plot |
purestand Millet |
purestand of green peas |
purestand of maize |
sim sim plot |
soya and maize plot |
soya maize plot |
sugarcane plot |
sweet potato and cassava plot |
sweet potato plot |
sweet potato plot. |
sweet potato. |
sweet potatoes plot |
sweetpotato plot |
yam plot |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.