Interviewer instructions
Of the partitioned households formed form the sample household of visit-1, all those residing in the sample village/block will be assigned a running serial number starting from 1. of these partitioned households, the one in which the head of the household (as reported in visit-1 schedule) is found to be residing will be given serial number '1'. However, if the head of the parent household is not reported to be a member of any of these households, then the household with the senior most member among the members of the household listed in the first visit will be given serial number '1'. The name of the head of each of the partitioned households will be recorded in col. (2) against the corresponding serial numbers. The name of the head of the parent household, as reported in visit one, will be recorded against serial number '1' if he/she is found to belong to a partitioned household residing in the sample village/block.