Interviewer instructions
It may be specially noted that for the partitioned household with serial number '1', the entry in col. (4) will always be '1'. For the rest of the partitioned households listed in this block, it will be enquired whether it was formed before or after 30.6.92. The entry in col. (4) will be code '1' if the household was formed before 30.6.92, otherwise it will be code '2'.
Col. (5) will be filled in only for the households with code '1' in col. (4). For each such household it will be enquired whether the household has operated any land during Rabi season of the agricultural year 1991-92, as per the definition of operational holding given in para 2.2.11. Code '1' will be recorded in col. (5) if the answer is in affirmative, otherwise the entry will be code '2'.
It is essential to note that the procedure of filling in blocks 9, 9.1, 10, 14, 15 and 16 will be different when the household surveyed in the first visit is found to have been partitioned in the second visit.