Hello, My name is …………………………..I am working for IB&C (Inclusive Business and Consultancy Ltd.), a private company that has an office in Rwanda, Kigali. IB&C is working on behalf of the World Bank’s researchers and MINAGRI and is carrying out an evaluation on the rural development project. The objective of this evaluation is to undertand the ways in which farmers are using the agricultural techniques in order to plan for the future and improve their lives. We need to have a discussion with you now. If you agree to participate in this survey, we will ask you some questions related to your household and its members, plots and crops cultivated, seasons, disasters, savings, income and Expenditures. There is no consequence for participating, neither on you nor on your household in general and there is no reward for someone who participates in the survey. Note: Your participation is voluntary and the information you will provide will be kept with confidentiality. Your response will be coded and kept in computers that are used by someone who has their codes. IB&C and World Bank trained workers are the only one that can disclose your identity. No information will be disclosed to the public and there will be no name in this survey. That is why we ask you to tell us the truth and to provide full information. You can refuse to respond for some questions or stop the interview whenever you want. There will be no consequences. The survey will take no more than 2.5 hours. Some parts of the survey will require an audio interview so that we can have trusted information. It is possible that we will contact you again and have another interview. In case you have a question regarding this survey, you can let us know now or later on the following address: IB&C, Nyabugogo Road, KN 1 Rd 32, P.O. Box 5404 Kigali, Rwanda IB&C project manager Anicet MUNYEHIRWE: 07-8830-3656 IB&C managing director Jost UWASE: 07-8843-0723 Do you agree with the consent?