Sampling Procedure
A. Sample design
Farms are grouped in clusters, which represent a crop grown in an area with homogenous agro- ecological conditions and include comparable types of farms. The sample includes reference and benchmark farms. The reference farms were selected by Syngenta and the benchmark farms were randomly selected by Kynetec within the same cluster.
B. Sample size
Sample sizes for each cluster are determined with the aim to measure statistically significant increases in crop efficiency over time. This is done by Kynetec based on target productivity increases and assumptions regarding the variability of farm metrics in each cluster. The smaller the expected increase, the larger the sample size needed to measure significant differences over time. Variability within clusters is assumed based on public research and expert opinion. In addition, growers are also grouped in clusters as a means of keeping variances under control, as well as distinguishing between growers in terms of crop size, region and technological level. A minimum sample size of 20 interviews per cluster is needed. The minimum number of reference farms is 5 of 20. The optimal number of reference farms is 10 of 20 (balanced sample).
C. Selection procedure
The respondents were picked randomly using a “quota based random sampling” procedure. Growers were first randomly selected and then checked if they complied with the quotas for crops, region, farm size etc. To avoid clustering high number of interviews at one sampling point, interviewers were instructed to do a maximum of 5 interviews in one village.
BF Screened from India were selected based on the following criterion:
(a) Corn growers in Davanagere, Belgaum, Warangal, Kurnool (all = districts)
Location: Davanegere, Belgaum, Warangal, Kurnool
Average adapter of innovation
Mechanized tillage operation due labour shortage
Keeps animals for milk
Corn forage is used for animal feeding
Keep update on commercial market trend
Secondary source of Agriculture income is dairy
Relies on high fertilizer use. (Farmers who use >2 bags of urea and 1 bag of DAP per acre is considered as High fertilizer use growers)
Low use of crop protection products (aim for growers who don't use CPP, if not possible, low use --> UPDATED: maximum of 2 sprays!)
Traditional way of weed control (bullock drawn harrow followed by ridging)
(b) Cotton growers in WC & South
Location: Yavatmal , Akola, Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Warangal , Kurnool , Karimnagar (= all districts)
Commercial, normally traditional practices but a few always looks for new products. (Use hybrids and are interested in new products which deliver higher yields, with less disease and pests.)
Very particular about quality seed.
High expectation of profit from farming.
Good investment on inputs for getting maximum returns.
Some irrigation available but not sufficient, Manual operations.
Social and seeks knowledge from other fellow farmers and retailers. Western regions: I take all decisions in terms of cotton production by myself, without consulting fellow farmers, retailers, agronomists or sales representatives (based on answers of RF)
Use generic / branded chemistry
Dependent on retailers to fund his crop protection chemicals
Prefer Cotton hybrid which give good re flushing
Rotation with Bengalgram
(c) Rice growers in North & East
Location: Karnal, Ludhiana, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Patiala, Allahabad,Gorakhpur, Barabanki (North & East)
Commercial ,Average adapter of innovation.
Medium input cost. (Spend 300 - 500 Rs on fertilizers, About 400-500 Rs on CP products can be considered as moderate or medium input cost.)
Mechanized tillage operations due to shortage of labour.
Good use of CP products. (Use products of leading MNCs; new chemistry/new products etc)
Very particular about quality seeds.
Always look forward to new technologies that would reduce costs or increase profits.
High expectation of profits from farming.
Good investment on input for getting maximum returns.
Not aware about soil fertility issues.
Use generic chemicals
Dependent on commission agent for his recurring expenses or retailer to fund his inputs. = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
May or may not own a tractor.
High involvement of retailer/ commission agent on his decision of CP inputs
Rice wheat rotation.
(d) Rice growers in East
Location: Ranchi, Raipur (= west), Burdwan, Midnapore , Bhagalpur . (= East)
Late adapter of innovation . --> UPDATED: Western region (Raipur): BF is not late adapter of innovation (based on answer of RF)
Usage of hybrid Rice or traditional varieties . (Either Open Pollinated Varieties or certified hybrids is fine. )
Moderate usage of CP products . (The spend on CP products is relatively lower i.e. less number of sprays or lower dose of recommended CP products. ) = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
Lack of resources ( irrigation, finance ) ,less educated ,traditional (= background info),low financial status .
Primarily dependent on farm for food and income. --> RF in Raipur (western region) says to not depend on his farm for income but BF will be recruited based on the original screening criteria above
not aware about soil fertility . --> UPDATED: in western region: BF are aware about soil fertility (based on answer of RF) --> UPDATED: Eastern region (Jharkhand & Bihar): BF are aware about soil fertility (based on answer of RF)
Depends on fertilizer for enhancing productivity.
Usage of generic chemistry.
May or may not own tractor.
High involvement of retailer on his decision of CP inputs . --> RF in Raipur (western region) says to take all decisions himself but BF will be recruited based on the original screening criteria above
Migrated farmers adopt technology . = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
Traditional cultivation practice. (This generally means OPV, little fertilizers and little chemicals.) = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
Conversion happening from OP to hybrid seeds in rainfed areas. = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
(e) Tomato growers
location: Nasik, Pune, Ahmednagar, Belgaum, Vadodara, Jaipur.
Early adapter of innovation.
Mechanized tillage operations due to labour shortage.
Very particular about quality Seeds.
Always look forward to new CP technologies to increase profit
Good crop knowledge & Use advance chemistry ( Farmers who use newly launched, high performance CP products from leading MNCs can be considered as "Advance" or new chemistry products.). --> UPDATED: in Western regions: only have a little bit of knowledge about this and use only a little bit (based on answers of RF)
Use of SYT tomato seeds & CP products. (only for RF, BF can use SYT products but not necessarily) = ALL BACKGROUND INFO, is asked in screening but nobody is screened out (!)
Keep updates on commercial market trend .
Irrigated farms
Has milch animals. --> UPDATED: in Western regions, not all should have livestock (based on answer of RF)
Brand loyalty
Commercially very active.
Knows market prices in leading cities.
Has relationship with market forces.
Keeps in touch with other progressive farmers, good retailers and company professionals.
(f) Soybean growers
location: Ratlam, Dhar, Hoshangabad, Washim
Follow traditional cultivation practices . (Usually the use of farm-saved seeds and varieties, do not use adequate fertilizers, follow traditional interculture practices etc.)
Limited technical knowledge.
Many use farm saved seed.
Mechanized tillage and spraying operation.
Use of tractor for sowing and threshing operations.
Low investment on input in comparison with actual requirement.
Farmers are members of co-operative society in some areas. = ALL BACKGROUND INFO
Soyabean wheat rotation
Some involvement of retailer/commission agent on his decision of CP inputs.