Survey ID Number
Agricultural Integrated Survey (AGRIS) - Pilot - MEA module, Ghana Pilot Survey 2018
Sampling Procedure
Definition of agricultural holding
As stated in the manual of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (FAO, 2015), an agricultural holding is defined as an economic unit of agricultural production under single management comprising all livestock and poultry kept, and all land used wholly or partly for agricultural production purposes, without regards to title, legal form, or size. Single management may be exercised by an individual or household, jointly by two or more individuals or households, by a clan or tribe, or by a juridical person such as a corporation, cooperative or government agency (FAO, 2015).
1. The Sampling Frame
The initial plan for the pilot survey was to consider as statistical units, agricultural holdings covering both the household and the non-household sectors, as proposed in the AGRIS methodology.
For holdings in the household sector, no updated list of agricultural households in the country was available, and therefore a sampling frame needed to be established. To do so, the 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC) was used to build a frame of EAs which were the primary sampling units (PSUs) of the adopted sampling design. After selecting the sample of PSUs in the four districts of interest, a complete list of holdings in the selected EAs was built. All households, agricultural or not, present in the selected EAs were listed.
Holdings in the non-household sector are by definition, economic units such as commercial farms and government institutions engaged in agricultural production. GSS and MoFA provided a list of these holdings to be used as sampling frame. Therefore, the plan was to use as the overall sampling frame a multiple frame composed of the two lists described above (one for the household sector and one for the non-household sector). However, after further discussion and evaluation, it was determined that the list of holdings in the non-household sector could not be considered as a reliable sampling frame for the targeted units. As a consequence, the data collected for the 80 non-household units could not be analysed to represent holdings in the nonhousehold sector.
2. The Sampling design
A stratified two-stage sampling design was used for the holdings in the household sector. The PSUs were the EAs and the secondary sampling units (SSU) were the agricultural households.
3. The Sampling Size
For holdings in the household sector, the calculation of sample size was performed fixing the minimum degree of precision required for the final estimates of main variables of interest. The variable considered to determine the sample size was the area of the agricultural land owned by the households. This information had been collected during the 2012-2013 Ghana Living Standards Survey 6 (GLSS6). Therefore, data from this survey was used to estimate the coefficient of variation (CV) of the variable of interest in the chosen four districts.
It should be noted that the estimation domain of the GLSS6 was the region. For that survey, a two-stage sampling design was used and the PSUs (EAs) were selected in each region with the probability proportional to size (PPS). The measure of size was given by the number of individuals in each region, provided for the chosen districts for the AGRIS-Ghana pilot survey by the GLSS6. For the estimation of the CV of the households' agricultural land, it was assumed that the EAs sampled in GLSS6 and located in the target districts were selected in these districts with the same method of selection (PPS). Thus, the households included in the sample were supposed to have been selected with a two-stage sampling design.
The formula for the computation of the sampling size can be consulted in the final report of the survey.
The number of households to be surveyed in each PSU is fixed to 10. Therefore, the size of the sample of PSU is the size of the sample of the households divided by 10.
4. Agricultural holding definition
As stated in the manual of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (FAO, 2015), an agricultural holding is defined as an economic unit of agricultural production under single
management comprising all livestock and poultry kept, and all land used wholly or partly for agricultural production purposes, without regards to title, legal form, or size. Single management
may be exercised by an individual or household, jointly by two or more individuals or households, by a clan or tribe, or by a juridical person such as a corporation, cooperative or
government agency (FAO, 2015).