Land and Livestock Holding of Households and Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households 2019
Name | Country code |
India | IND |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
The survey on Land and Livestock holdings of Households and Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households using an integrated schedule will be conducted in the rural areas of the country. The survey is aimed at generating different indicators of ownership and operational holdings of rural households, including their ownership of livestock and various estimates related to the situation of agricultural households such as indicators of (i) economic well-being as measured by their consumption expenditure, income, productive assets and indebtedness, (ii) their farming practices and (iii) awareness and access to various technological developments and welfare schemes in the field of agriculture. The survey will collect detailed information on receipts and expenditure of the agricultural households’ farm and non-farm businesses and receipts from all other economic activities pursued by their members so as to arrive at an estimate of average monthly income per agricultural household.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Household characteristics
Household’s usual monthly consumer expenditure
Particulars of land of the household and its operation during the period July- December 2018
Output of crops produced during the period July - December 2018
Particulars of input and other expenses for crop production from July - December 2018
Livestock, poultry, duckery, etc. owned by the household as on the date of survey
Disposal of produce and value of output on farming of animals during last 30 days
Expenses and other particulars of input on farming of animals during last 30 days
Expenses and receipts for non-farm business during the last 30 days
Purchase and sale of productive assets during July to December 2018
Loans (cash and kind) payable as on the date of survey
The survey will cover the whole of the Indian Union except the villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which are difficult to access.
Name | Affiliation |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation | Government of India |
All the States and Union Territories except Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep participated. Formation of sub-units (SUs) are the following:
Rural areas: A rural village is notionally divided into a number of sub-units (SU) of more or less equal population during the preparation of frame. Census 2011 population of villages was projected by applying suitable growth rates and the number of SUs formed in a village was determined apriori.
The above procedure of SU formation was implemented in the villages with population more than or equal to 1000 as per Census 2011. In the remaining villages, no SU was formed.
Urban areas: SUs were formed in urban sector also. The procedure was similar to that adopted in rural areas except that SUs were formed on the basis of households in the UFS frame instead of population, since UFS frame does not have population. Each UFS block with number of households more than or equal to 250 was divided into a number of SUs. In the remaining UFS blocks, no SU was formed.
Outline of sample design: A stratified two stage design has been adopted for the 77th round survey. The first stage units (FSU) are villages/UFS blocks/sub-units (SUs) as per the situation. The ultimate stage units (USU) are households in both the sectors.
Allocation of State/ UT level sample to rural and urban sectors: State/UT level sample size has been allocated between two sectors in proportion to population as per Census 2011 with 1.5 weightage to urban sector. A minimum of 4 FSUs, each for rural and urban sector separately, have been allocated to each State/UT. For more urbanised big States like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu etc., the urban allocation was limited to rural sample size to avoid undue weightage to urban sector.Allocation to strata: Within each sector of a State/ UT, the respective sample size has been allocated to the different strata in proportion to the population as per Census 2011.
Stratum level allocation was adjusted to multiples of 2 with a minimum sample size of 2.
Rural: Allocation was 2 for each sub-stratum in the rural sector (except for sub-strata formed in Group 1 and Group 2 in some cases where minimum allocation was 1).Urban: Allocation was 2 for each sub-stratum for urban sector.
In certain exceptional cases, especially for some States in the North Eastern Region, bigger sub-strata were formed because of much skewed distribution of villages. In such substrata, the allocations were more than 2.
Start | End |
2018-07-01 | 2019-06-30 |
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yes | The users shall not take any action with the purpose of identifying any individual entity (i.e. person, household, enterprise, etc.) in the micro dataset(s). If such a disclosure is made inadvertently, no use will be made of the information, and it will be reported immediately to FAO |
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Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation | Government of India | Metadata producer |
Office of Chief Statistician | Food and Agriculture Organization | Metadata adapted for FAM |