Survey ID Number
Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2014, Nueva Construcción
Data Collection Notes
The offices are responsible for carrying out and implementing the operations, where the following processes are carried out:
information gathering, supervision, capture and validation of the information.
Survey operations
To cover the requirements of the conceptual framework designed for the ENIGH, the collection of information was programmed in nine surveys, each of them organized in ten days. The survey was conducted from August 11 to November 28, 2014. It should be noted that there were also two complementary activities. One of them took place from August 1 to 8, during which a complete rehearsal of the survey was carried out. The other activity consisted of the implementation of a recovery decade, from November 19 to 28, which served to recover pending questionnaires from previous decades.
Activities during the survey
Each decade is made up of ten days, where for each day specific activities were defined for the collection of information:
On the first day of the interview, initial contact is established with the head of household, the housewife or a person over 18 years of age, explaining the objectives of the survey; the information from the Household and Housing Questionnaire is collected; the person or persons who make the purchases of food, beverages and tobacco for the consumption of the household as a whole are probed. This person or persons are trained to fill out the Daily Expenses Booklet, and it is explained to the informant that the persons aged 12 or older will be interviewed personally, asking about the times when they can be reached and making appointments with each of them.
The second day of the household visit is dedicated to asking about other expenses in the Household Expenses Questionnaire, probing which members of the household make personal expenses or the payment of some service or other expenses for the household as a whole.
From the third to the seventh day of the interview, information is collected from all household members in the following order: first, information is collected from the Questionnaire for persons 12 years of age or older and the Business Questionnaire and the person is asked about the expenses that this person makes personally or for the household, in order to make the corresponding record in the Expenses Questionnaire. If the informant knows the information of those under 12 years of age, these interviews are distributed in the rest of the days. Every day, the information recorded in the Daily Expenditure Booklet is reviewed and if there are problems in the record, the informant is probed.
On the seventh day of the ten-day period, once the interviews are completed, the Daily Expense Booklet is collected, any pertinent clarifications are made with the informant and the workloads are delivered to the Supervisor.
On the eighth day, a general meeting is held with the field teams and doubts from the previous ten days are clarified. The Supervisor of the following decade delivers the workload and the packages with the corresponding materials. The ninth and tenth days are rest days.
Procedures for the control of the survey of ENIGH 2014
Sample control
To facilitate the control of the sample, each household was assigned a unique identification number at the national level, which is composed of two folios: the first is the FOLIOVIV, which is composed of 10 digits and identifies the dwelling, and the second is the FOLIOHOG, which is 1 digit and identifies the number of households in the dwelling:
It consists of 10 digits: two digits with the state code, one with the area (urban, code other than 6; rural, code 6), four digits of the consecutive number of the upm (primary sampling unit), one digit of the ten-digit survey and two digits with a consecutive number for the selected dwelling.
Digit to identify the households in the dwelling: 1 is assigned to the main household (the one that initially attended the interview) or when only one household lives in the dwelling; when several households (additional households) are detected, digits from 2 to 5 are assigned.
Household 1 is the household initially interviewed, which is the one that answers the housing section. When more than one household was found in the same dwelling, these other households were also interviewed. For them, the FOLIOVIV number coincides with the FOLIOVIV of the household initially interviewed, differing in the FOLIOHOG which can be from 1 to 6, depending on the number of households that were found.
Considering the complexity of the information to be collected and based on the experience of previous surveys, it was determined that the workload per Interviewer would be five interviews per ten, and the Supervisors would have an average of three Interviewers under their supervision.