Survey ID Number
Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2018, Nueva serie
Sampling Procedure
The design of the exhibition for ENIGH-2018 is characterized by being probabilistic; consequently, the results obtained from the survey are generalized to the entire population of the study domain; in turn, it is two-stage, stratified and by clusters, where the ultimate unit of selection is the dwelling and the unit of observation is the household.
The ENIGH-2018 subsample was selected from the 2012 INEGI master sample, this master sample was designed and selected from the 2012 Master Sampling Framework (Marco Maestro de Muestreo (MMM)) which was made up of housing clusters called Primary Sampling Units (PSU), built from the cartographic and demographic information obtained from the 2010 Population and Housing Census. The master sample allows the selection of subsamples for all housing surveys carried out by INEGI; Its design is probabilistic, stratified, single-stage and by clusters, since it is in them that the dwellings that make up the subsamples of the different surveys were selected in a second stage. The design of the MMM was built as follows:
Formation of the primary sampling units (PSU)
First, the set of PSUs that will cover the national territory is built.
The primary sampling units are made up of groups of dwellings with differentiated characteristics depending on the area to which they belong, as specified below:
a) In high urban areas
The minimum size of a PSU is 80 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 160. They can be made up of:
• A block.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of the same AGEB.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of different AGEBs in the same locality.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks from different localities, which belong to the same size of locality.
b) In urban complement: The minimum size of a PSU is 160 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 300. They can be made up of:
• A block.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of the same AGEB.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of different AGEBs in the same locality.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks from different AGEBs and localities, but from the same municipality.
c) In rural areas: The minimum size of a PSU is 160 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 300. They can be made up of:
• An AGEB.
• Part of an AGEB.
• The union of two or more adjoining AGEBs in the same municipality.
• The union of an AGEB with a part of another adjoining AGEB in the same municipality.
The total number of PSUs formed was 240,912.
Once the set of PSUs has been constructed, those with similar characteristics are grouped, that is, they are stratified.
The political division of the country and the formation of localities differentiated by their size, naturally form a geographical stratification.
In each federal entity there are three areas, divided into zones.
High urban, Zone 01 to 09, Cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants.
Urban complement, Zone 25, 35, 45 and 55, From 50,000 to 99,999 inhabitants, 15,000 to 49,999 inhabitants, 5,000 to 14,999 inhabitants, 2,500 to 4,999 inhabitants.
Rural, Zone 60, Localities with less than 2,500 inhabitants.
At the same time, four sociodemographic strata were formed in which all the PSUs in the country were grouped, this stratification considers the sociodemographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the dwellings, as well as the physical characteristics and equipment of the same, expressed through 34 indicators built with information from the 2010 Population and Housing Census*, for which multivariate statistical methods were used.
In this way, each PSU was classified into a single geographical and a sociodemographic stratum.
As a result, there are a total of 683 strata throughout the country.
Selection of the PSUs of the master sample
The PSUs of the master sample were selected by means of a sampling with probability proportional to the size.
Sample size
For the calculation of the sample size of the ENIGH-2018, the average total current income per household was considered as a reference variable.
Data Collection Notes
The state offices are responsible for carrying out the field operation, where the following processes are carried out: information gathering, supervision, capture and validation of the information.
Survey operation
To meet the requirements of the conceptual framework designed for the ENIGH 2018, the collection of information was scheduled in ten surveys, each of them organized in ten days. The survey was carried out from August 11 to November 18, 2018. It should be clarified that there were also two complementary activities. One of them had a verification from August 2 to 9, in which a complete rehearsal of the survey was carried out. The other activity consisted of the implementation of a dozen recovery questionnaires, from November 19 to 28, which served to recover questionnaires with no response and lift the workloads that had been pending in previous decades.
Activities during the survey
Each decade is made up of ten days, where specific activities were defined for each day for the collection of information:
On the first day of the ten, initial contact is established with the head of the household, the housewife or with a person over 18 years of age, explaining the objectives of the survey; the information from the Household and Housing Questionnaire is collected; it is surveyed who is the person or persons who make the purchases of food, beverages and tobacco for the consumption of the household as a whole; this person or persons are trained in filling out the Daily Expenses Booklet, and it is explained to the informant that persons aged 12 or over will be interviewed personally, asking for the times at which they can be reached and making appointments with each of them.
The second day of the home visit is spent asking about other expenses on the Household Expenditure Questionnaire, probing which household members make personal expenses or the payment of some service or other expenses for the household as a whole.
From the third to the seventh day of the ten, the information of all the members of the household is captured in the following order: first, the information from the Questionnaire for people aged 12 or over and the Business Questionnaire is collected and asked about the expenses that this person makes personally or for the household. to make the corresponding record in the Expenditure Questionnaire. If the informant knows the information of children under 12 years of age, these interviews are distributed on the rest of the days. Every day the information recorded in the Daily Expenses Booklet is reviewed and if there are problems in the record, the informant is surveyed.
On the sixth day of the ten, request the monthly estimate corresponding to section II Expenditure on food, beverages and tobacco for the household or to give to people outside the household, public transport, social programs (Liconsa and Diconsa) and finally shopping habits, all this is noted in the Daily Expenses Booklet.
On the seventh day of the ten, the Daily Expenses Booklet is collected, once the interviews are finished, the workloads are delivered to the Supervisor; who in turn delivers them to the Chief of Supervisors.
On the eighth day, the general meeting is held with the field teams and doubts of the previous ten are clarified, the Chief of Supervisors delivers to the REP, the workloads of the previous ten and receives the loads of the next ten, to deliver them to the Supervisor.
Control of the sample
To facilitate the control of the sample, each household was assigned a unique identification number at the national level that is made up of two folios: the first is the FOLIOVIV which is made up of 10 digits and identifies the dwelling, and the second is the FOLIOHOG which is 1 digit and identifies the number of households in the dwelling:
• The first 7 digits are made up of the UPM number.
• The eighth digit indicates the ten digits in which the information was scheduled to be collected. From 1 to 9 and 0 for the 10th ten.
• The ninth and tenth digits correspond to a consecutive number of housing selection at the UPM.
• This digit indicates the number of households that live in the house.
Household 1 is the household initially interviewed, which answers the housing section. When more than one household was found in the same household, these other households were also interviewed. For them, the number of FOLIOVIV coincides with the FOLIOVIV of the initially interviewed household, differentiating in the FOLIOHOG which can be from 2 to 5, depending on the number of households that have been found.
It was determined that in the ENIGH 2018 the workload per interviewer was six homes per ten, and the supervisors had an average of three interviewers under their supervision.