Survey ID Number
Multipurpose National Forest Inventory, 2017
The Mongolian National Forest Inventory (NFI) provides a comprehensive assessment of the country’s boreal forests, offering critical data for sustainable forest management, policy development, and international reporting, including REDD+. The inventory is structured around key thematic areas to evaluate the status, distribution, and functions of forest ecosystems in Mongolia.
- Forest Extent and Distribution:
The NFI assesses the spatial extent and geographic distribution of Mongolia’s boreal forests, covering approximately 9.49 million hectares of stocked forests and 1.77 million hectares of low-stocked forests. Remote sensing and field surveys are used to monitor forest cover changes over time.
- Forest Composition, Growing Stock, and Carbon:
The inventory evaluates growing stock volume, tree species composition, age distribution, and basal area. Siberian Larch dominates the boreal forests, contributing significantly to biomass and carbon storage. The NFI also estimates above- and below-ground biomass, providing essential data for carbon stock assessments and climate change mitigation strategies.
- Forest Management, Protection, and Utilization:
Mongolia’s forests are classified into protected areas (34 percent), production forests (21 percent), and unmanaged forests (45 percent). The NFI assesses forest ownership, land use policies, and the extent of community-based and private forest management. It also estimates timber potential, wood harvesting rates, and the availability of fuelwood resources.
- Forest Health, Disturbances, and Environmental Challenges:
The NFI identifies key threats such as wildfires, snow and ice damage, insect infestations, grazing, and soil erosion. Wildfires impact nearly 28 percent of boreal forests, while climatic and human-induced disturbances affect forest health and regeneration. Deadwood assessments provide insights into biodiversity, carbon storage, and fire risk.
- Forest Regeneration and Structure:
The NFI evaluates natural regeneration, tree density, stand structure, and species diversity. It also classifies forests based on dominant species and stand age, informing sustainable forest management and restoration strategies.
- Soil, Landscape, and Ecosystem Characteristics:
The inventory assesses soil properties, landscape relief, altitude, slope, and litter layer thickness—key factors influencing forest distribution, water availability, and productivity.
- Carbon and Climate Change Implications:
The NFI provides detailed estimates of forest carbon pools, including biomass, deadwood, litter, and soil organic carbon. This data supports Mongolia’s climate change reporting obligations and contributes to global efforts in forest-based carbon sequestration.