General Household Survey-Panel Wave 3 (Post Harvest) 2015-2016
Name | Country code |
Nigeria | NGA |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
This General Household Survey (GHS) is the third round of panel survey, previously conducted in in 2010/11 (Wave 1), 2012/13 (Wave 2), of a long-term project to collect panel data on households, their characteristics, welfare and their agricultural activities. The survey is the result of a partnership that NBS has established with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMA&RD), the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the World Bank (WB). Under this partnership, a method to collect agricultural and household data in such a way as to allow the study of agriculture's role in household welfare over time was developed. Thus far, the third wave of the GHS-Panel was conducted in 2015/16 .
The Nigerian General Household Survey (GHS) is implemented in collaboration with the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) team as part of the Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (ISA) program and was revised in 2010 to include a panel component (GHS-Panel). The objectives of the GHS-Panel include the development of an innovative model for collecting agricultural data, inter-institutional collaboration, and comprehensive analysis of welfare indicators and socio-economic characteristics. The GHS-Panel is a nationally representative survey of 5,000 households, which are also representative of the geopolitical zones (at both the urban and rural level). The households included in the GHS-Panel are a sub-sample of the overall GHS sample households (22,000). This survey is the third wave of the GHS-Panel, and was implemented in 2015-2016.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The survey will cover a wide range of socio-economic topics which are highlighted in three different questionnaires to be used for data collection. These are Household Questionnaire, Agricultural Questionnaire and Community/Prices Questionnaire.
The post-harvest household questionnaire collected information on:
· Household Identification
· Household Member Roster, Demographic and Migration
· Education Status
· Labour (Adults and Children 5yrs+)
· Health and Child Development
· Remittances
· Behavior and Attitudes
· Non-Farm Enterprises and Income Generating Activities
· Consumption of Food (Recall)
· Non-Food Consumption Expenditure
· Food Security
· Other Household Income
· Safety Nets, Economic Shocks and Deaths
· Conflict
The post-harvest agriculture questionnaire collected information on:
Productivity of main crops, with emphasis on improved measures of:
· Land Holdings
· Family and Hired Labour
· Input Costs
· Fertilizer Acquisition
· Quantification of Crop Production and Disposition
· Agricultural Capital
· Agricultural Extension Services
· Other Agricultural Income Including Income from Agricultural By-Products
· Fishing Capital and Revenue
The community questionnaire collected information on:
· Assess to Community Characteristics Including Infrastructure
· Access to Public Services, Social Networks, Governance, Investment Projects and Necessary Community Empowerment etc.
· Communal Resource Management
· Changes in the Community and Key Events Leading to Changes
· Community Needs, Actions and Achievements over the Past Years
· Prices of Food Items at the Community Level
· Conflict at the Community Level
National Coverage Sector
Household Members
Name | Affiliation |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) | Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
World Bank | Funding | |
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) | Technical Assistance |
National Food Reserve Agency | Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) | Technical Assistance |
Name | Role |
Federal Government of Nigeria | Funding |
World Bank | Funding |
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | Funding |
The GHS-Panel sample is fully integrated with the 2010 GHS Sample. The GHS sample is comprised of 60 Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) or Enumeration Areas (EAs) chosen from each of the 37 states in Nigeria. This results in a total of 2,220 EAs nationally. Each EA contributes 10 households to the GHS sample, resulting in a sample size of 22,200 households. Out of these 22,000 households, 5,000 households from 500 EAs were selected for the panel component and 4,916 households completed their interviews in the first wave. Given the panel nature of the survey, some households had moved from their location and were not able to be located by the time of the Wave 3 visit, resulting in a slightly smaller sample of 4,581 households for Wave 3.
In order to collect detailed and accurate information on agricultural activities, GHS-Panel households are visited twice: first after the planting season (post-planting) between August and October and second after the harvest season (post-harvest) between February and April. All households are visited twice regardless of whether they participated in agricultural activities. Some important factors such as labour, food consumption, and expenditures are collected during both visits. Unless otherwise specified, the majority of the report will focus on the most recent information, collected during the post-harvest visit.
Population weight was calculated for the panel household. This weight variable (WGHT) has been included in household dataset: Section A (SECTA). When applied, this weight will raised the sample households and individuals to national values.
Start | End | Cycle |
2016-02-22 | 2016-03-24 | 4 weeks |
The data cleaning process was done in a number of stages. The first step was to ensure proper quality control during the fieldwork. This was achieved in part by using the concurrent data entry system which was designed to highlight many of the errors that occurred during the fieldwork. Errors that are caught at the fieldwork stage are corrected based on re-visits to the household on the instruction of the supervisor. The data that had gone through this first stage of cleaning was then sent from the state to the head office of NBS where a second stage of data cleaning was undertaken.
During the second stage the data were examined for out of range values and outliers. The data were also examined for missing information for required variables, sections, questionnaires and EAs. Any problems found were then reported back to the state where the correction was then made. This was an ongoing process until all data were delivered to the head office.
After all the data were received by the head office, there was an overall review of the data to identify outliers and other errors on the complete set of data. Where problems were identified, this was reported to the state. There the questionnaires were checked and where necessary the relevant households were revisited and a report sent back to the head office with the corrections.
The final stage of the cleaning process was to ensure that the household- and individual-level datasets were correctly merged across all sections of the household questionnaire. Special care was taken to see that the households included in the data matched with the selected sample and where there were differences these were properly assessed and documented. The agriculture data were also checked to ensure that the plots identified in the main sections merged with the plot information identified in the other sections. This was also done for crop-by-plot information as well.
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes |
The confidentiality of the individual respondent is protected by law (Statistical Act 2007). This is published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Nigeria No. 60 vol. 94 of 11th June 2007. See section 26 para.2. Punitive measures for breeches of confidentiality are outlined in section 28 of the same Act. |
A comprehensive data access policy is been developed by NBS, however section 27 of the Statistical Act 2007 outlines the data access obligation of data producers which includes the release of properly anonymized micro data.
National Bureau of Statistics,General Hosehold Survey-Panel Wave 3 (Post Harvest) 2016 v1.0 of the public use (December, 2016) provided by National Data Archive, http:/
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Dr. Yemi Kale (Statistician General) | National Bureau of Statistics | [email protected] | |
Mr Biyi Fafunmi (Head of ICT) | National Bureau of Statistics | [email protected] | |
Mr Isiaka Olarenwaju (Deputy-Director:Household Statistics) | National Bureau of Statistics | [email protected] | |
Mr Uwayemi Etchie (Head:System programming) | National Bureau of Statistics | | |
Funmilayo Ajao (Data Archivist) | National Bureau of Statistics | [email protected] | |
Mr Akufo (Consultant) | World Bank | | |
Mr Kelvin | World Bank | | |
National Bureau of Statistics | National Bureau of Statistics | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Office of Chief Statistician | Food and Agriculture Organization | Metadata adapted for FAM |
National Bureau of Statistics | Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN) | Metadata Producer |