Agriculture Sample Census Survey 2002-2003
Name | Country code |
United Republic of Tanzania | TZA |
Agricultural Census [ag/census]
The 2002/03 Agriculture Sample Census Survey (ASCS) was designed to meet the data needs of a wide range of users down to district level including policy makers at local, regional and national levels, rural development agencies, funding institutions, researchers, NGOs, farmer organisations, etc. As a result the dataset is both more numerous in its sample and detailed in its scope compared to previous censuses and surveys. To date this is the most detailed Agricultural Census carried out in Africa. The census was carried out in order to:
· Identify structural changes if any, in the size of farm household holdings, crop and livestock production, farm input and implement use. It also seeks to determine if there are any improvements in rural infrastructure and in the level of agriculture household living conditions;
· Provide benchmark data on productivity, production and agricultural practices in relation to policies and interventions promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and other stake holders.
· Establish baseline data for the measurement of the impact of high level objectives of the Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP), National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) and other rural development programs and projects.
· Obtain benchmark data that will be used to address specific issues such as: food security, rural poverty, gender, agro-processing, marketing, service delivery, etc.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The census covered agriculture in detail as well as many other aspects of rural development and was conducted using three different questionnaires:
·Small scale farm questionnaire
·Community level questionnaire
·Large scale farm questionnaire
Topic |
Trade, Industry and Markets |
National Coverage
Small scale and Large Scale Farmers within the community.
Name | Affiliation |
National Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Planning and Empowerment |
Office of Chief Government Statistician-Zanzibar | Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs |
Name | Role |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security | Technical Assistance |
Ministry of Water and Livestock Development | Technical Assistance |
Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing | Technical Assistance |
Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government | Technical Assistance |
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs | Technical Assistance |
Food and Agriculture Organization | Technical Assistance |
Name | Role |
Government of Tanzania | Financial support |
United Nation Development Program | Financial support |
Department for International Development | Financial support |
Japan Government | Financial support |
European Union | Financial support |
The Mainland sample consisted of 3,221 villages. These villages were drawn from the National Master Sample (NMS) developed by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to serve as a national framework for the conduct of household-based surveys in the country. The NMS was developed from the 2002 Population and Housing Census. The total Mainland sample was 48,315 agricultural households. In Zanzibar a total of 317 Enumeration Areas (EAs) were selected and 4,755 agriculture households were covered. Nationwide, all regions and districts were sampled except three urban district (two from Mainland and one from Zanzibar).
In both Mainland and Zanzibar, a stratified two stage sample was used. The number of villages/Enumeration Areas (EAs) were selected for the first stage with a probability proportional to the number of villages in each district. In the second stage, 15 households were selected from a list of farming households in each Village/EA using systematic random sampling.
Weights or expansion factors were calculated for every selected village/EA. These weights were used to produce tables for Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. The weights were prepared and calculated at different stages, including:
Refer to page 17-20 of the technical report document for detailed information on the weighting calculation and procedure.
Start | End |
2004-01-15 | 2004-03-15 |
2002/03 agricultural year.
Very low standard errors, indiicating that the data is accurate. The standard errors range from 0.0024 - 0.346.
Refer to page 21-22 of the technical report document for calculations on the standard error estimates.
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes |
Confidentiality of respodents is guaranteed by section 20 of Tanzania Statistics act number 1 of 2002. Before being granted access to the dataset, all users must formally agree that: 1. All identifying information such as the name and address of respondent has been removed; 2. The information is disclosed in a manner that is not likely to enable the identification of the particular person or undertaking or business to which it relates; 3. There is no attempt to identify any particular person or undertaking or business; 4. Use of information for research or statistically purpose only; 5. Not to disclose the information to any other person, organization; 6. When required by the Director General, return all documents made available to him to the Director General; 7. Comply with the directions given by the Director General relating to the records; 8. Every person involved in the research or statistical project for which information is disclosed pursuant to this section shall make the declaration of secrecy set out in the first schedule. |
Tanzania NBS considered three levels of accessibility:
The dataset has been anonymized and available as a public use dataset. It accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
"National Bureau of Statistics, Agriculture Sample Census Survey 2002-2003 (AGRSCS 2002-2003), version 1.0 of the public use dataset (March 2004) provided by the National Bureau of Statistics,".
"The user of the data should acknowledges that, National Bureau of Statistics is the original collector of the data, the authorised distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences without a written agreement from the National Bureau of Statistics"
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | National Bureau of Statistics | [email protected] | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Office of Chief Statistician | Food and Agriculture Organization | Metadata adapted for FAM |
National Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Planning and Empowerment | Metadata producer |
Office of Chief Government Statistician in Zanzibar | Government of Zanzibar | Metadata producer |
Accelerated Data Program | PARIS21 | Metadata reviewer |