The census of population and dwellings had 4 categories of agricultural activity, namely: subsistence only, commercial only, subsistence and commercial and no agriculture. For those engaged in agricultural activity a further breakdown was collected, namely: vegetables, fruit, flowers and other. The census of agriculture also had 4 categories but for crop growing only, namely, non-agricultural, minor agricultural, subsistence and commercial. The differences in these classifications and the types of agriculture included make comparisons difficult, however, it is useful to evaluate the two sets of data and draw conclusions as to the extent of agricultural activity in the cook islands from these two sources.
The questionnaires used for the census of agriculture 2000 and the census of population and dwellings 2006, related to agriculture, were reviewed and efforts made to avoid duplication. In particular, the question on the numbers of livestock kept by the household was dropped from the census of population and dwellings as this data was being collected in the census of agriculture. Likewise, information on machinery and equipment was dropped from the census of agriculture as this was being collected in the census of population and dwelling. Questions on the extent of involvement in agricultural activity at the household level were maintained in both censuses as was the extent of involvement in fishing and pearl farming. This provided a useful coverage check for the census of agriculture, in particular, although it was noted that there were definitional differences between the two censuses especially related to flower cultivation which was considered an agricultural activity in the census of population and dwellings but not in the census of agriculture. At the individual level, data on labour inputs was recorded in the census of agriculture by age and sex but other data at the individual level has then to be obtained through linkages to the census of population and dwellings through the person and household number.
The household questionnaire was administered in each household, which collected various information on levels of agricultural activity, holdings detail (including name of operator, total area, number of separate parcels, location), crops currently growing and/or harvested (including crops currently growing, total area, number of plants,crops planted and/or harvested, total area, number of plants), proportion of income from agriculture, loans for agriculture purposes, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, improved varieties, other selected activities during the last 12 months (including bee keeping, hydroponic, floriculture, handicrafts), traditional methods on food storage and planting, travelling with locally grown food, water usage
In addition to a household questionnaire, questions were administered in each household for holding which collected various information on holding iidentification, parcel details during the lasts 12 months (including location, area, land tenure, land use, months used), scattered plants/trees (including number of plants), labour input for persons 15 years and over working during the last month (including sex, age, status, type, average hours worked per week, wages per month, benefits and other paid job)
In addition to a holding questionnaire, questions were administered for parcels which collected various information (during the last 12 months) on plot details (including proportion to parcel area, crops grown, method of planting, number of plants and proportion for sale), crops planted and harvested (including area harvested, number of plants and proportion for sale)
In addition to a household questionnaire, questions were administered in each household for livestock which collected various information on type and number of livestock, type of operation, nature of disposal during the last 12 months (including kind of livestock, number disposed (including home use, feast/gifts, sold, slaughtered, live)
In addition to a household questionnaire, questions were administered in each household for fishing which collected various information on household members engaged, main purpose of fishing activity, household members (including average hours spent per week), details of fishing activities (including forms of fishing, number of people fishing, location, average number of fishing trips, average hours per fishing trip), boat details (including type of boat, length, engine), proportion of fish caught/collected and sold, proportion consumed
In addition to a household questionnaire, questions were administered in each household for pearl farming which collected various information (during the last 12 months) on farming details (including farm lines, spat collector lines, spat details, number of farm shells, labour input (including person number, sex, age, status, type, average hours worked per week, wages per month, benefits received, other paid job) , boat operation (including times used per week), type of equipment and facility, number of times per week, number owned, hired, borrowed), shelling details, proportion of income, loan details
The questionnnaires, that were developed in English, contain was divided into 5 forms:
-Household Form: Levels of agricultural activity, List of agricultural holdings, Crops, Income from agricultural activities, Loans, Fertilizers, Other relevant questions.
-Holding Form: Parcel details, Scattered plants/trees, Labour inputs.
-Parcel Form: Number of sepearate plots, Plot details, Crops.
-Livestock Form: Livestock details, Type of operation, Nature of disposal.
-Fishing & Pearl Farming Form: Fisheries activities details, Pearl farm information, Labour inputs, Boats and other equipment used, Other relevant information.