Value |
Category |
0 |
Heavy rains |
1 |
Drought/irregular rains, prolonged dry spell |
2 |
Floods |
3 |
Landslides and Mudslides |
4 |
Unusually high level of crop pests & disease |
5 |
Unusually high level of livestock diseases |
6 |
Unusually high level of human disease/EPIDEMIC |
7 |
Unusually high prices for food |
8 |
Unusually high cost of agric. inputs (seed, fertilizer, etc. |
9 |
Loss or reduced employment/Income for a household member |
10 |
Fires |
11 |
Serious illness or accident of household member |
12 |
Death of the Head of the household |
13 |
Death a working household member |
14 |
Death of other household member |
15 |
Theft of productive resources |
16 |
Insecurity/violence |
17 |
hailstones (grele) |
18 |
earthquake |
19 |
Volcanic activity |
20 |
Other |
21 |
Wind |
22 |
Landless |
77 |
Other household shocks |
78 |
Other community shocks |
99 |
No other shock |