Survey ID Number
Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2016, Nueva serie
Sampling Procedure
The design of the exhibition for ENIGH-2016 is characterized by being probabilistic; Consequently, the results obtained from the survey are generalized to the entire population. At the same time, the design is two-stage, stratified and by conglomerates, where the ultimate unit of selection is the dwelling and the unit of observation is the home.
For the selection of the sample, the National Housing Framework 2012 of the INEGI was used, built from the cartographic and demographic information obtained from the 2010 Population and Housing Census.
This sample is a master sample from which the subsamples are selected for all the housing surveys carried out by INEGI; its design is probabilistic, stratified, single-stage and clustered; The latter are also considered primary sampling units, since it is in them that the dwellings that make up the samples of the different surveys are selected, in a second stage. The master sample is constructed as follows:
Formation of the primary sampling units (UPM)
First, the set of UPMs that will cover the national territory is constructed.
The primary sampling units are made up of groups of dwellings with differentiated characteristics depending on the area to which they belong, as specified below:
a) In high urban areas
The minimum size of a UPM is 80 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 160. They can be made up of:
• A block.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of the same AGEB.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of different AGEBs in the same locality.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks from different localities, which belong to the same size of locality.
b) In urban complement:
The minimum size of a UPM is 160 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 300. They can be made up of:
• A block.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of the same AGEB.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks of different AGEBs in the same locality.
• The union of two or more contiguous blocks from different AGEBs and localities, but from the same municipality.
c) In rural areas:
The minimum size of a UPM is 160 inhabited dwellings and the maximum is 300. They can be made up of:
• An AGEB.
• Part of an AGEB.
• The union of two or more adjoining AGEBs in the same municipality.
• The union of an AGEB with a part of another adjoining AGEB in the same municipality.
The total number of UPMs formed was 245,279.
Once the set of PUs has been constructed, those with similar characteristics are grouped, that is, they are stratified.
The political division of the country and the formation of localities differentiated by their size, naturally form a geographical stratification.
In each state, three areas are distinguished, divided in turn into Areas.
High urban, Zone 01 to 09, Cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants.
Urban complement, Zone 25, 35, 45 and 55, From 50,000 to 99,999 inhabitants, 15,000 to 49,999 inhabitants, 5,000 to 14,999 inhabitants, 2,500 to 4,999 inhabitants.
Rural, Zone 60, Localities with less than 2,500 inhabitants.
At the same time, four sociodemographic strata were formed in which all the UPMs in the country were grouped, this stratification considers the sociodemographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the dwellings, as well as the physical characteristics and equipment of the same, expressed through 34 indicators built with information from the 2010 Population and Housing Census*, for which multivariate statistical methods were used.
In this way, each PSU was classified into a single geographical and a sociodemographic stratum.
As a result, there are a total of 683 strata throughout the country.
Selection of the UPMs of the master sample
The UPMs of the master sample were selected by means of a sampling with probability proportional to the size.
Sample size
For the calculation of the sample size of the ENIGH-2016, an estimate of the mean for the variable of quarterly current income per household was considered.