Interviewer instructions
- Includes a list of 14 non-food items that are typically purchased on a frequent basis. Write the value of total rupees spent on each item in the past 30 days (including the value of barter or in-kind purchases) in the column labeled Question 2. If no expenses have occurred, record ‘0’.
- Includes a list of 12 non-food categories where spending is less frequent, and the recall period thus is the past 12 months. Probe carefully to get as complete an estimate as possible of total spending and payments in-kind for items covered under these categories. If no expenses have been incurred, record ‘0’.
MEDICAL CONSULTATION FEES, MEDICINES, AND SUPPLIES includes all spending on health care -- visits to health care providers (both traditional and modern), in-patient care (including food and bed costs) if relevant, the costs of medicines (including medicines that may have been provided free through public health clinics or hospitals), as well as the costs of transporting a household member to a health care provider. Include also medical expenses that a friend or relative living outside the respondent’s household may have paid to provide care for a household member.
REMITTANCES SENT TO OTHER HOUSEHOLDS/INDIVIDUALS includes gifts of cash or in-kind items (e.g. food grains) sent to people living outside the household. Typically these would include support provided to parents or other family members who are not formally a part of the household (because they live elsewhere) but are linked by kinship or marriage. Support could also have been provided to persons not related to household members -- for example, gifts of food given to neighbors in times of need. Wedding gifts are reported elsewhere (code 240) in the section.
LITIGATION includes all costs associated with court cases and other legal disputes.
TAXES, OTHER CHARGES include direct taxes paid by the household, fines, etc.
RELIGIOUS EXPENSES includes direct spending for religious observances and religious festivals. This would include transport to religious sites/festivals, offerings made, and other costs (such as incense, etc.).
SOCIAL EXPENSES (WEDDINGS, DEATHS, RITES). Record here costs associated with weddings, for instance gifts made to other households (including dowry payments), deaths, and other religious rituals and rites that are in addition to expenses already reported in Part B. Note that expenditure on purchase of food for a wedding in the household should be reported here, and not in Part B where only typical expenses are to be reported.