Literal question
How much do you expect to pay this school year for the following:
C. Books, paper, other school supplies
Interviewer instructions
This question covers all (estimated) schooling expenditures for each person attending school. These expenditures may include those that have already been made, as well as those that will be made in the remainder of the school year.
It is likely that the expenditure information will be obtained from the head or household, or the parent of the student, rather than from the student himself/herself. Some respondents may have difficulty estimating expenses; in such cases, ask the respondent to give you approximate figures. If the respondent (or his/her parents) cannot recall expenditures by category, leave columns A-E blank, and write only the total in Column F. If detailed expenditures are provided for some or all categories, write them in the appropriate columns; write any other expenditures for which the breakdown is not known in column E, then sum the amounts up and write the total in column F. Note however that the breakdown of expenses by type is extremely important, so as far as possible try to obtain the expenses separately for each of the categories by probing.
If some expenses are shared by various children (for example, transport), divide the total by the number of children, and enter the amount for each child in the appropriate column. If a child is enrolled in more than one school, include expenses for all schools.
Column A: Tuition fees, exam fees, and other fees. Include all fees paid to the school or teacher at the school where the student is enrolled.
Column B: Uniforms. Include the cost of uniforms and other clothing necessary for school activities.
Column C: Books, papers, other school supplies. This should not only include expenses for books, stationery and pens, but also calculators and other learning tools such as computers.
Column D: Private Tutoring. Private tutoring typically occurs when a student, particularly one who haspoor academic progress, is provided with paid individualized instruction outside of school to improve his or her academic performance.
Column E: Other expenses. Include expenses for transport; boarding, meals, lodging, etc. for students who live away from home; miscellaneous expenses, such as student memberships fees for clubs, etc. Record here also amounts that the respondent cannot break down into the other categories.